Memberships and Contributions
The Cass County Mo. Historical Society is a self-funded non-profit organization serving under the 501 3c regulations. Our efforts are supported through memberships, contributions, donations, research and merchandise sales. If you are interested in helping to support our organization, you may contact us directly at 816-380-4396 or [email protected]
Deed of Gift, Bequests & Endowments
There are several ways to contribute to the Cass County Historical Society. Whether it is monetary, volunteering, or the contribution of artifacts or bequests; all are welcome and highly valued by the society.
Local historical societies such as ours cannot exist solely on dues, donations and fundraisers. We receive no monies from any Local, State nor Federal Governments, thus we rely on the generosity of our members.
We hope that you will consider including us in your will and estate planning. It is this type of bequest that will allow us to continue on our mission to keep the history of Cass county alive for future generations.
For more information on donating to CCHS , please click on the Deed of Gift link below, or contact us at 816-380-4396. Your support is greatly appreciated!